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Jack's 2nd Birthday

Opening Presents with Mummy
Originally uploaded by chiggster
Awwww! My wee man! He's 2 already..... can hardly believe it, it's past to quickly!

He seems to have had (or is still having as even though it's 9pm he's still up!) a lovely birthday. We've done presents in 3 stages, mainly because he got overwhelmed and needed a break!

His favorites so far seem to be the Thomas take-along toy engines and other vehicles he got, his bricks (mega bloks minis) and a toy toaster which he is currently playing with with his daddy: Daddy put the toast in and sets the timer. Jack waits, grabs the toast as it pops, pretends to eat it, and shoves it back in ready to start again. It's been 10 minutes now and he's still playing! He also loved all the Toy Story stuff he got, he's worn the clothes (demanded to have them on) eaten and drunk form the lunch set, and read the books.

He's also had over half of a 9inch pizza! (or 1/4 of mine, 1/4 of Fay's and a fair bit of my Dad's 12inch pizza too) I think in a few months time we'll be having to order him is own 9incher!

Jack's been given his New Bedroom! (pics to follow) And he LOVES IT! After lunch he was getting drowsy so I took him up for his nap saying he could go in his bedroom (rather than nursery) so he ran into the right room, and climbed up on the bed. I tucked him in, fetched his dummy (which he still has for sleep, but not any other time) and said night night. And he slept.... no hassle, no fuss. Didn't fall out or anything. I'm one very proud mummy! At one point I went up to him because he was making a bit of noise only to find he'd chucked his pillow away (doesn't like them) and crawled up to the headboard and therefore out from under his duvet so he was cold. I tucked him back in and he passed out for another HOUR!

We failed to convince him to blow out the candles on his cake, but he did like them.... True to form he hasn't touched his birthday cake (not much of a cake eater, unless it's daddy's home made fudge cake. But EVERYONE likes that!) but he has battered his 2 helium balloons into the ground (£4 very well spent, he'd have been happy with just them)

All in all I think he has had a very good birthday. It's a shame he wont remember it. But we always will.

Love you, my Little Lumpy!


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