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Much nesting!

I woke up at 4.30 this morning, Jack had sqawked in his sleep and woken us both up, but as Mark was getting up to him he settled down again. Unfortunatly, I was awake by then so after half an hour tossing and turning I gave up and came down stairs.

In the last 3 1/2 hours I have tidied and wiped down the livingroom, cleared off the "cooking" half of the kitchen and given it a scrub, neatened up the "workshop" half. I have put on a load of washing, stacked the dishwasher and set that off. I've got Jack up, changed (twice), fed him and read him 3 books. I've even had time for my own breakfast and some facebooking and forum posts!

Still got more to do though, once the dishwasher finishes I have to empty and restack that (I am just finishing wading through the stuff Mark used while I was away topped up with what we've used since I've come back) then I can give the sink a good scub out. I want to run around the bathroom too, it's become a workshop too while we've been painting and it looks really grotty in there right now.

I also need to hoover the middle bedroom (or at least 2/3 of it that I can get to) as - now that the painting is finished in there are the border is up - the first half of the bunkbed is arriving today! (thank you Mum & John). And I really need to (or maybe get Mark to) find a way of clearing the landing, even if it's just for one day, so that we can actually GET the bunkbed up there!

Don't know why I woke up with so much energy today.... it's bound to run out sooner rather than later. I was up till around 10pm sorting out the middle room and putting the border up, and then took an age to nod off. I think this must be the last burst of energy left over from 2nd Tri before the 3rd Tri fatigue kicks in! Might as well make the most of it though :oD


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