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Thoughts on my GD diagnosis

I have a link here which will open an excel file... it's my Blood Glucose Levels chart.

This is my 3rd day now charting my BGLs, and to be frank I don't think there is anything wrong with them. All I've done is stop drinking cola and eating jelly babies.

The gist of it so far is that they are all normal... they are all within the ranges I have been given.

I really really really don't think I have GD. I have posted the link to my chart of my preg forum and chatted to some other ladies who have GD and they also say that my readings look pretty normal and suggested I ask to be re-tested.

In a few days time I have my growth scan (Tuesday) and on Wednesday I'm back at the GD Clinic with my BGLs and my scan results. I'm really hoping that - even though it's Jack's birthday on Sunday and I'll be eating cake - I'll be able to go to that clinic with Squiggles (please please please) normal growth measurements and my normal BGLs and say "I think someone made a mistake... please re-test me!"

I'm not really knocking the NHS, or my hospital. It was a mental rushed day at the delivery suite when I went for my GTT and I would rather they looked at my results and said "bring her in" when there's nothing wrong with me than the other way round. And it's not like I'm taking any medication at the moment, I'm just monitoring, so no harm is being done. I'm just miffed because I'm worried this will all become "reasons" for me being sectioned / induced when I just want to be left alone!!!


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