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My GTT ... (Part 4, hopefully the last!)

GD Growth Chart
Originally uploaded by chiggster
Things have moved on a lot since my last gestational diabetes rant. For one I have had a growth scan (but I have put the photo somewhere "safe" and now I can't find it to scan it in, grrr! I'll Flickr it later), and I have also had 2 more GD Clinic appointments.

So lets cover the scan first! That's the BEST BIT! My dad came with me to this one and the lady who did the scan was lovely. She showed us loads of the baby and gave us a much longer scan that I think I would normally have had (I did make a point of it being the only scan my dad had ever seen and that he had come ever such a long way to see it).

She even showed us Squiggles FACE! I had no idea you could see the baby's face so clearly on a standard scan. I thought you HAD to get one of those 4D efforts for that... Or maybe Squiggle was just being very cooperative, I don't know. But we saw baby's face. Squiggle even scrunched up it's little face for a moment! And looks SO MUCH like Jack it's amazing!

We also saw if what gender Squiggle is.... but I'm not saying! Mark really doesn't want to know so I am keeping it zipped.

The whole reason for the scan though was the measurements. And here they are: FL (leg) 54.2mm, HC (head) 286.2mm, AC (tummy) 258.6mm, and an estimated weight of 1459.0g (or slightly over 3lb). Which in laymen terms means NORMAL! Not a monster, not a c-section waiting to happen, NORMAL!

Oh, and the placenta? The one the GD MIdwife said was up at the front? Round the back where it should be.


Well the day after my scan I had the GD clinic. My BGLs have been spot on pretty much the whole time, with only the odd exception like Jack's birthday which gave their own reasons.

2 weeks later (yesterday as it happens) I had another GD clinic where, guess what, my BGLs were (their words) PERFECT!

I still have to keep testing my blood sugar, and I have another scan & clinic on the 21st of this month (Mum's coming with me to that one) but things are looking up. the doctors I saw yesterday were great. they were willing to accept that any potential discrepancy in my blood sugars were due to my sweet tooth, not diabetes. They are happy with my sugar levels and diet now (which is exactly the same without the sweets and chocolate), they are happy that Squiggle is growing at a normal rate, and it is now unlikely that I will have to have an early induction or c-section (unless there's some other unpleasant complication between now and the due date).

All I have to do now is put my feet up and relax!


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