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We're home again!

After spending almost a week away from home we're finally back! It's nice to go away.... but it's nice to come home too. We spent the weekend with Mark's folks, calling in on my mum there and back for a few nights.

It's going to be the last time before the baby comes though, driving is so hard for me now. My belly touches the steering wheel for one which means the slightest accident will have massive negative repercussions on Squiggle. Chances of a accident are hugely increased because my right buttock and leg keep ceasing up when I'm driving, which means that taking my foot off the accelerator and applying it to the brakes is difficult, agonizing... close to impossible. The whole thing wipes me out too, any more than 30 - 40 mins driving means I feel sick and can't eat afterward for hours, all I want to do is go to bed and sleep. That's pretty much how I am feeling right now, and I've only driven back from my mums. It wont be long before I'm ordering the grocery shopping on line and walking to everything else. Luckily I (should) only have 1 more trip to the hosp before baby comes and that's just a week away so I might be able to stop driving altogether after that.

Still, we had a nice time. Jack got to see his cousins and play on the slide that Auntie Rachel has in her back garden. He is besotted with Jenny's other half Ash and wants to follow him every where! He has also discovered the joy of Gym Balls (so now I have 2 reasons to buy one, 1 - for me to help get baby into position/ease labour pains and 2 - for Jack to play with when I'm not using it). He's been back to the park near my mums too, and has mastered the Big Slide (vid to follow) he also managed to blend in with the other mums kiddies and scam free snacks (not sure if I feel shame for him conning food, or proud that he should be so confident!)

Right now my precious little first born is bullying his father. He's trying to rip the skin tags from his neck, and it throwing a (mostly deflated) football in his face.... not behaviour I really want to encourage. Although because it's not happening to ME it's pretty funny! But once he's gone to bed I'll be doing the same (bed, not bullying my hubby).

Hopefully my next post will be little more positive!


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