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1 month to our due date!


Just one month to go - maximum. Potentially less (I hope less). There's still stuff to do, but the pressure is off now. Mark has started to put some stuff in the loft. I think if Jack hadn't been ill we'd have more stuff up there so it isn't all done yet but with very good reason. Jack seems to be well on the mend now too so hopefully we can get moving again soon. As it's polling day today me and Mark walked Jack down to the community centre (our polling station for the day) so he's had chance to go out and get some fresh air and exercise, although it's wiped him out, poor thing.

We need to do some more baby / house shopping, so that's cutting in on our remaining prego time. I get paid in a little over a week. We need to get some more storage boxes which will fit through the loft hatch. I want to buy a birthing ball before it's too late. Both Jack and I need to have our hair cut (Jack so he doesn't start to look like a girl, me so I don't end up ripping it out by the roots mid labour), and I might still buy a few bits for Squiggle too.

As Jack is having a nap at the moment I am debating wether to use this time to have a bath and pamper myself a little bit, or to go through the cloth nappies and 0-3 month baby clothes and make a list of anything we need to buy. A bath sounds great, but so does baby stuff! I know I'll feel disinclined to do either this evening once he's in bed for the night because I'll just want to go to bed myself then (Oh the joys of pregnancy, in bed by 9pm at the lastest). There's no massive urgency in either. I'm not going anywhere so don't need to have fresh radient skin (just so long as I don't pong, and I have had a wash), and I can't buy anything until the 15th so sorting through the baby stuff would just be a fun exersize with some list writting involved...

I wonder if Jack will nap long enough for me to do both???


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