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35 weeks down, 35 days to go!

Wow..... 35 days.... It's the 1st of May today which also means that Squiggle is due NEXT MONTH and could easily come THIS MONTH!

In another week I can join a different thread in my forum. There's a 36-37+ weeks signs spotting thread where imminent mums-to-be can chat about what signs of early labour they are (or are not) getting. One more weeks and I can increase the cups of raspberry leaf tea from 1 to 2, and then more as my due date gets closer (just in case they DO induce me, at least my body might be slightly better prepared).

I am proud of my weight gain still. The FF site says this:
You may have gained up to 30 pounds or more by this point.
I have actually to date gained only 17lb! And that's with Squiggle being on the bigger end of perfectly normal.So hopefully I wont be too blimpy when Squiggle gets here and I'll get a good start on my healthy weight loss / fitness plan.

Mum came over yesterday and we went baby shopping! She bought us the new mattresses we needed for the moses basket and swinging crib, and bought Squiggle's bouncing chair too (the same one we had for Jack which was brilliant!) She also treated me and Jack to a Mc Donalds, which was very welcome! Especially to a snot filled Jack who just wanted a fuss making of him (poor wee poorly boy!)

The loft is pretty much done now too, save for a bit of stapling up of membrane (???) then all that needs doing is actually getting the stuff up and out of the way. But I'm insisting that Mark has a day off from DIY today and takes Jack out instead (which actually gives me a break although I'm probably going to spend it catching up on housework) but we are only a few short days away from me being able to get back into the nursery and then I can start playing with baby things again!!!

I keep browsing the Kiddicare website for things we might need, but daren't order anything until I've found out what we have that's reusable and what we don't otherwise I'll end up ordering stuff we have tons of, and not stuff we need. Still I LOVE window shopping (or should that be MS Windows TM since it's online?)

Ahhh..... I have the house to myself for a few hours. It's bliss! Just me and the telly! I think I'll stick some washing on, give the kitchen a once over and consider mopping the downstairs, in between coffees... (domesticity, eh?)


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