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3rd Growth Scan & interesting news....

GD Growth Chart 3
Originally uploaded by chiggster
So I got my 3rd growth scan today (and another free pic! Whoo!). This time Mark came with me, and mum stayed at ours to look after Jack.

Squiggle has had a bit of a growth spurt.... and is now about 8lb 10oz!!!! I was expecting 6 1/2 to 7 lb. We're off the "normal" scale again like we were with Jack.

It's been an interesting afternoon though (for me, Mark looked like he was going to pass out from boredom while we waited to see everyone at the GD clinic). While we were waiting I could hear my consultant talking to someone out in the corridor. No names mentioned or anything, but she was clearly hacked off and was saying how she "didn't care" and the patient "had to come back next week for a cervical examination, yes she had good control now but she WILL run into trouble". I pulled a face at Mark and joked about the interesting conversations you hear in that place. Seconds later a lady I had never seen before came in and said "Oh, can you hear us talking about you out there?" Ahh. I replied that I could hear talking, but not who about. My consultant didn't bother to see me today.... this other lady did instead.

Which is actually a GOOD thing. It backs up my previous statement that my consultant is an unprofessional bitch and I didn't have to get wound up by her. the woman who did see us (and I wish I'd caught her name now coz she was great) had a good look over all my stuff. She said that my BGL control was wonderful, and that I was probably never diabetic in the first place. I liked her instantly. She pointed out that Squiggle is indeed big, but that because the fluid AROUND Squiggle is normal that the baby's size is GENETIC and not because of GD.

She acknowledged that I am unhappy at the idea of early induction, and actually let me explain to her WHY (mainly because I am worried about it leading to a c-section which would affect my future pregnancies and births). She said this was very valid and they WOULD NOT force me down this route. However, they would like me back next week for a cervical check and if (and ONLY IF) my body is showing signs of being ready and I feel comfortable with it would they perform an induction. I had said that if I got to my due date without Squiggle arriving I would be more open to the idea, but that what she was outlining sounded perfectly reasonable.

After that we spent a long time waiting to be seen by people who I didn't really need to see me anymore. I can drop down my BGL tests to every 3rd day. The nutritionist only popped in to see how I was, the dietitian didn't see me at all. The GD MW came in to see if I had any questions about the birth (I didn't) but no other reason... and then we were let out.

So next Wednesday I have a MW apt at the docs at 2.15, and then this appointment with the MWs at the hospital at 3pm where I'll get pocked and prodded for a bit and, maybe just maybe, they'll talk me into agreeing to that darned induction. If my body is ready, and with the knowledge that Squiggle is plenty big enough to cope, I may relent. I may not. It's something I need to talk over with Mark before I agree to anything.

And anyway... Squiggle may turn up unassisted before then!


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