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Fighting the swelling!!!

I am a mummy on a mission! I am SICK of my sore, swollen feet, ankles and legs. It's even getting into my toes! So I've done a touch of t'interweb research. And this is my plan: Natural, herbal, SAFE diuretics, combined with GALLONS of water! I started today and so far so good!

I've had 1 cup of green tea today, and 3 glasses of cranberry (concentrated to use with water, I saw it on offer and didn't read the bottle properly before buying it :doh: Ocean Spray, £1 at Sainsburys)

My feet are much less swollen, and my legs are fine. Ankles are a bit puffy, but by this time of day for the last 2 days I have been so badly swollen that I couldn't kneel on the floor because of the pain caused by pressure in my feet and legs on the floor, and found it difficult to walk up stairs because my ankles wouldn't bend right for the swelling.

I think this is working for me so far. I'm still drinking plenty of other fluids too:

Strawberry milkshake x 1
Blackberry & Nettle tea x 1
Green tea x 1
Cranberry (from concentrate) x 3
Various no added sugar squash drinks x 4

I'll be having 1 Raspberry Leaf Tea before the end of the day and at least one more squash, and I always take a litre of water to bed with me when I'm pregnant which will be drunk by morning (usually a pint of water when I'm not preg, I always need a lot to drink).

I think with all the other drinks I am having aside from the green tea and cranberry I should avoid becoming dehydrated so baby wont suffer. Not drinking enough water would mean that my feet continue to swell anyway. Plus 1 or 2 cups of Green Leaf should not exceed my caffeine limit when I have been permitted up to 7 normal teas or coffees and I'm not having any.

I hope it works.... it's just one more pain I can live without this close to the end.


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