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So much for swimming....

Got to the pool and was turned away! They no longer do toddler sessions in the morning. The pool is closed to the public until 12 noon because they have schools in instead. Do these school children really need to use the BABY POOL??? Most of the toddlers I know sleep in the afternoons. So is it only a matter of time before they pack in the toddler sessions all together??

I'm appalled!

Took Jack to the park instead, but couldn't stay long. It's blazing hot out there and I had dressed Jack for the chance of a breeze on damp skin coming out of the baths, no sun hat, no sun cream. So after 20 - 30 mins or so we had to come back out of the sun before he got heat or sun stroke, or sun burn.

And when I got back with him I got snapped at by Mark for coming home too early without telling him! it seems telling him I'll only be out for the morning and coming home at 12.10pm is too early. Bloody nerve! Especially when I HAD sent him a message 15 mins earlier to say we were coming back, could he put the oven on (for lunch). Clearly it's all my fault that we can't go swimming, that it's hot and sunny, and that T-Mobile can't send messages quickly enough. So I get a lecture about how he hopes the wallpaper paste will still be useable on Friday. Why?? I'm taking Jack out tomorrow morning, and most of Thu (once the health visitor has been at 10, for what will be about 20 mins if that), and he'll be in bed in the afternoons - including THIS afternoon.

GRRRRRRRRRR! Believe me, if I could have kept Jack out for the whole day I WOULD HAVE DONE!


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