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Feeling so lucky

I really do think I must be one of the luckiest mums on the planet! My kids and husband are great!

I know Tom isn't even a week old yet, but he is already turning out to be a good natured, quiet child. Very relaxed. He hardly ever cries, and when he does it's because I'm changing his nappy (which he hates) or because I haven't picked him up and fed him as quickly as he'd like. And that doesn't happen often. He is completely unphased by any of Jack's games or toys, or his shouting and giggling and laughing.

And Jack himself... he's being great! He's having trouble sleeping on and off at the moment, but I'm putting that down to the weather. He's like his dad and doesn't cope well with heat and humidity. He's being very good with Tom. This morning I had Tom in his bouncer while he was awake, and Jack came at sat by him, chattered to him, and rocked his bouncer very gently. He's perfectly happy to play by himself, or come and sit beside me with a book, when I'm feeding Tom and isn't getting jealous at all!

At the moment I am getting a few mins peace, Jack's having an early nap (becuase he had a late night and didn't sleep well) and Tom's just drifted off after a nice long feed. I'm thinking I might get started on the housework I haven't really touched since coming home from hospital, it's time I got into a workable routine again anyway.

It would be lovely to show Mark that I can "cope" :oD Bless him, he worries about me. He said today, as he was heading off to work (yes, he's been offered a few more days!), that if it all gets too much to call him and he'd see about coming home early. I think that him coming home to two happy children, a relatively tidy house, clean clothes and a meal in prep - AND a happy wife - will put his mind at rest. I've not been hit by the baby blues just yet, and if I get a good routine started now which includes time out of the house, I might be able to avoid it completely.


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