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Lovely Sunshine!

I am really enjoying this summer so far! I love all this sunshine and warm weather. It's still driving Mark and Jack to distraction, and poor Tom's not a fan of the heat either, but I am liking trying to keep everyone cool with trips to the park and so on.

My Dad and Fay are over in the UK at the moment. We've spent the last couple of days together and they are coming to see us again tomorrow. Yesterday we all went to Happy Mount Park (seems to be park of the month for us, hee hee) even Mark came along! It was blazing hot too. Jack had a great time on the climbing frame and slide thingy, with Mark, my Dad and Fay all playing with him and making him feel really special as the centre of attention, something I think he's needing more off with Tom still being so new and taking up so much of my time with endless feeds. If the weather holds out I will take some swimming stuff for Jack next time we go so he can go on the splash park there. I think he'll love it!

Naturally, being Saturday Jack is off to Dads Club with Mark again this morning. Tom has had another marathon feed this morning and finally nodded off about quarter of an hour ago so I could finally get some of the housework done. Tom is one HUNGRY baby! He is now 11lb 4.5oz. 1 week earlier he was only 9lb 13.5oz so that is a staggering gain in one week for a 3 week old baby! He's out grown the first set of cloth nappy outers, he's out grown some of his 0-3 MONTH baby clothes! I feel very proud of the fat wee feller!

I've jumped on the scales again this morning and I have lost 2lb since this time last week.... that gives me another half stone loss from my original weight, and a cute little pink star from Weight Watchers! I am stunned given how much crap I have eaten lately (like a Pizza, a Chinese take-away, Mc Donalds and endless snacking). I am guessing it's something to do with the breast feeding burning up all my fat (and making me SO hungry all the time).


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