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My 1st Evening alone with the Boys

Mark actually went out last night!

He got invited out to watch the England match in the afternoon, and I made the most of it. I really enjoy having the kids to myself. Even when it's hard work - and yesterday was hard work! Tom went on a marathon feed wanting to be on the boob constantly from 2.30pm till 10pm!!! Not ideal when I have a dinner to cook for me and Jack, not to mention Jack wanting playing with and reading too, and putting to bed. Still, I coped. Tom had to spend a little time just crying (heart breaking, but had to be done) while I tended to the food just long enough for it not to burn, and while I got Jack washed and ready for bed. And the rest of the time I just did things that could be done one handed and sat down...

Luckily Jack wanted to be helpful so he soothed Tom when he was crying if I wasn't right there, didn't fuss too much when I couldn't get on the floor to play and opted to either play on his own or have books read to him instead. That I could do! In fact he was a very well behaved big boy all afternoon and evening. He sat at the table nicely and ate his food without fuss or tantrums. He went to bed without a carry on, and even accepted that Mummy couldn't read him a bed time story because she had to get back to Tom who was screaming the house down. I had read him some stories just before getting ready for bed so I think that made up for it. AND he slept through the whole night without making me get up to him (possibly because I'd left his window open which daddy never does, so he wasn't too hot last night).

Tom finally settled at 10pm, allowing me just enough energy to have a wash, take off my make-up and curl up in bed before I passed out from exhaustion. Having your body drained of fluid and energy almost constantly for 7 1/2 hours can take it out of you! Not to mention make you very hungry yourself! But it clearly did him good because I didn't get a peep out him again until after 2am, and then all he really wanted was a nappy change. Nothing else then till about 4.30am!!!

And Mark? Well, he got home around 11pm and passed out on the sofa. I did go down and see him (make sure he wasn't a burglar, hee hee hee) but he was already alseep so I left him to it. He came up to bed while I was giving Tom his 4.30am feed. I think he'd had a good time :oD But the looney STILL got up with Jack an hour or so later. I'll be sending him to bed a bit later on to catch up with some sleep.

I have boundless admiration for the mums out there who do this all day every day on thier own, and with children who may not nessessarily be as helpful and understanding as Jack.


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