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Sleep Deprivation

It's kicking in here. And affecting some of us more than others....

Tom's still up 3 - 4 times (on avaerage) for feeds between 9pm and 7am, but I'm dealing with that well enough. The difficulty is with poor Jack, who I think is still suffering with the muggy, humid heat. After most of Tom's night feeds I'm getting up to sort Jack out too. If Mark wakes up while I'm feeding Tom he goes (it's not that often, although he'd tell you it is. I'm sure it feels like it to him...) or if Jack's really screaming is head off while I'm still feeding Tom I'll nudge Mark and ask him to sort him out. Mark is the one getting up with Jack in the morning though while I give Tom his long breakfast feed. And that can be anywhere between 5am and 6.30am.

Long and short of it is that I have one grumpy hubby, and one very over tired eldest son. And they are bickering with each other.

Personally I think the best way to resolve this is to take the kids out and about a bit more, and for Mark to get some sleep. Jack behaves perfectly well when we're out, and if he's worn out he might sleep better. If I take the kids out and leave Mark at home he gets a break. I wish he would use it to catch up on some sleep, but he doesn't. I'm getting some early nights in - like within an hour of Jack going to bed I take Tom and do the same. This way I'm not over tired too.

It's a good job that Tom is well behaved, and that I have the foresight to get some sleep when ever I can, because if I allowed myself to get as tired and ratty as Mark we would have some serious fallings out. At the moment I am biting my lip because I know he's just tired... but his attitude and behavior right now is getting beyond a joke. He's ignoring me (which is fine when he's in this mood, but annoying when I actually need him to listen when I speak to him), swearing in front of,  and shouting at the kids. Not good when Jack is just learning to copy words.......

On the plus side, the health visitor is coming to see us on Thu morning, and Mark will be out when she gets here. I'll ask her for some advice on what I can do to help Mark, other than suggest he gets a few early nights (because I have and he wont)

Right. Well. I'm going to get the kids dressed and go out.


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