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Tom's a month old - already

Yesterday Tom turned 1 month old. Isn't he cute? And he still has all that LOVELY hair! People keep commenting on how much hair he has, how lovely it is, and how much it sticks up :oD I really hope he doesn't lose it like poor Jack did. I thought I saw a bit of cradle cap starting the other day, but what ever it was seems to have gone now (Maybe he was just a bit grubby?)

It's already going too fast. I'm finding myself really not wanting to go back to work. I feel like I missed too much of Jack growing up by going back to work when he was only 6 months old.

Tom will be 8 months old when I go back, and I still think it's too early. I want to be a stay at home mum!

But anyway, nothing I can do about it right now. We need a lottery win or something ( or Mark getting a well enough paid job, hint hint! ;oD ) before I can really consider not going back or postponing when I do go back. So moving on....

We took the boys out yesterday. It looked like the weather was going to be a bit changeable so we opted to do an inside thing and went to the Aquarium Of The Lakes up in the Lake District. It was a nice do too, the kids both got in for free as they are under 3 years old, and it was only £8.95 each for us oldies.

Too be honest Jack is still a little too young to really appreciate somewhere like that, but he did enjoy himself. He likes the Monitor Lizard, the Marmoset Monkeys and the touch pool (which turned out NOT to be a touch pool, oops!) the best. In the touch pool there were some small ray/skate type fish (no sign up to say what was in this one) which started to swim up to Jack and lift it's "nose" out of the water doing what looked like a little dance. Jack thought it was so much fun! And he liked the hermit crabs and starfish too.

I'm hoping this lovely weather lasts a little longer yet. It's our anniversary on Tuesday (9 years together, 3 years married) and since we can't do the whole dinning out thing with the kids (no sitter, need to be able to feed Tom, Jack is not really ready for Restaurants) we thought we'd do a fun family thing. We're thinking about going to a zoo or something. It wont be as much fun in the rain. I'll take plenty of photos if it all works out and we do go!


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