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Got my boys to myself!

Mark's managed to land a weeks work again this week (I really hope this leads to a full time job come November) and that means I have my lads all to myself for 5 days!


I don't know how this works, but I seem to manage to get more housework done, and keep both kids happy and entertained BETTER when Mark's out at work... Go figure! I am up to date with all the laundry, the kitchen is sorted. I'm planning on wiping round the bathroom this afternoon too.

I also seem to be avoiding the bulk of Jack's tantrums too. Getting him to sit on the sofa with his Splodge and a drink and asking him to "calm down" seems to be working most of the time, and he seems to only get really ratty close to nap time so if he acts up close to then he goes up to bed, has a cuddle and gets tucked in for a nap. Same applies to bed time. Last night he was getting cranky and when we asked him if he was tired and wanted to go up to bed he said yes, got his Splodge and a drink and waited and the stair gate to be taken up for a wash and bedtime story. We could hear him playing in his room for a while after he went up, but not for long and totally tantrum free.

We're having a quiet day today. But yesterday I had the fun of taking them both to the doctors with me as when I made the appointment Mark was going to be at home. It was for the start of Jack's nap time too, so Mark would have had a quiet hour or two while Jack slept and I took Tom with me (in case he needed feeding). Instead I took them both and it could have been a nightmare as Jack was going to be getting tired and potentially stroppy, and I would be having to hold Tom (no prams in the surgery, they have to be left the foyer for fire regs) and not able to chase him about so easily or sit him on my knee to calm him down. Luckily Jack was pretty well behaved and Tom just slept. Jack did have a little bit of a "do" when I told him not to lie behind the door in case he was squashed. He stood in the middle of the waiting room nipping himself and glowering at me. Very cute and fairly funny. I pointed out that he was hurting no one but himself, and did he realise that everyone just thought he was a mentalist for nipping himself. He came and sat next to me quietly after that until we were called in to see the doc.

Tomorrow we're going to the Stay n Play with Kathy and Katie, Thu we're calling in on Jen and her lads. Friday we're going to see Nana - she wants to show them off to her work mates so we'll be calling in to Towneley. Mum says it so she can show the kids where their mummy and daddy got married, but she's fooling no one. We know she wants to show off her hansom grandsons!

Right now Tom is sleeping, and Jack is starting to get a bit tired. We're watching Toy Story (again) as it is pouring with rain outside and far too soggy to go to the park (which is what I wanted to do today). I have a nice photo to share with you of my boys, and a little video clip too. The video is almost black and you can hardly see a thing, but listen to it! I'll treasure it forever!


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