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All about work

It's been playing on my mind more and more. I think because by the time Jack was the age Tom is now I was very close to starting work. I'm not going back until Feb, but I hate not knowing what's coming. So I asked to meet the boss and we had a meeting on Monday. I took Tom to show him off!

It's no secret that I was very unhappy at work for year before I went on Mat Leave with Tom. In fact, I have not been totally happy ever since I went back to work after having Jack. I had a few happy weeks where I was a training officer, but thanks to the credit crunch that job stopped existsing and I was promoted to ops manager. I hated it. The hours were too long, it couldn't be done part time, and the pressure was huge. I said at the time the job was better suited to a young man with no kids, i.e. someone with the time, energy and no vital commitments. And Iw as right, the guy I thought would be better suited to the job was given it when I stepped down and is doing a great job. Instead, I was given managment of that caravan park. And I hated that too. Less.... but still hated it. The hours were better but still not good and I have come to relise that I simply don't want the pressure of a managment roll that like.

So after being given two rolls in 12 months that made me miserable I am aprehensive about going back. Added to that is the fact that I simply don't want to leave my kids! Still, money is an issue so I have to.

The Boss was great though. My new job isn't perfect, but it's better. It's a balance of what I want with what he's trained me up for, so that's fair I suppose.
  • I am going to be training officer to the caravan parks (plural, we have more now). So I'm still AT the parks, but not just WCB where I was before. All of them. So that's already better. And I'm not managing the cleaning staff - which after the choas of our first year is GREAT because I got a lot of the flack for that the company HAD to do and mud sticks - so the pressure is less. 
  • The hours are technically flexi but as we only staff Mon, Fri & Sat flexi is limited a little. I will have to work SOME of those days. I explained that if Mark gets the job he wants I wont be able to work Sats and he was fine with that when I backed it up with I will work Mon & Fri full days as standard, plus half day else where. I'm thinking Wed that way Jack can have full days Mon & Fri, and half day Wed in nursery. If Mark gets this job he's day off will alternate between a wed & sat so I can even work some Sats to keep the boss happy.
Because the parks start at 10am I can take Jack to nursery. Mark'll finish at 3pm (fingers crossed) so he could pick him on the full days. If not I'm hoping Mum will be taking Tom on Mon & Fri so she could pick him up (need to speak to mum!!!) On Wed I'll take him and pick him up, and arrange to prove to the Boss that I am making up any hours at home (paper work etc) or just work longer hours on the full days. At least I'll see the kids in the morning.... I'll have to work that side of it out later.

My only real problem now is... I go back to work in Feb. Nursery isn't going to start now until Sept 2011. So I'll have to ask/beg/plead with mum to take the kids from Feb! I wont be earning enough to get them into paid nursery before then, and even if I had the money, it's too late to get them in. I feel bad asking because it means she wont be able to work those days and she loves her work. But (aside from Mark) there's no one I'd trust more to care for my kids.


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