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Weekend at Uncle Bob & Auntie Rach's

Auntie Rach n my boys
Originally uploaded by chiggster
We've had a lovely weekend away, visiting my brother in law and his missus. Baby "bean" is due at the end of October and I had a few bits n bobs to take over, plus they've moved recently and it was about time we saw the new place.

Sadly, they live in Birmingham so it's a hell of along drive with 2 kids under 3 yrs, especially kids who are stuffed up with nasty colds, but it was worth it! The house is really nice and I have garden envy - and so does Jack who LOVED playing with the small watering can he found, pots of water, stones, not to mention playing football! He insisted we played on the grass. I think he wants a lawn to play on at home :oD He had a nice walk out with his Uncle Bob and Daddy to the lake and the park, and brought back a conker and an acorn proudly in his pockets, and a feather.

Rachel's looking fab with her pregnancy. She says she doesn't feel it and that she's just wanting it over so she can have her baby (I remember what that feels like!) She let me feel Bean hiccuping :oD We were going to let her have a practice-bath with Tom, but with him being poorly and cranky we only got as far as a massage demo. Bob dressed him and changed his nappy too.

Mark and Bob played Wii with Jack as well, who loves Mario it seems... (so my plans of picking up a 2nd hand one in the new year are well founded!)

But mostly it was nice to see Bob & Rach. They haven't experienced this yet, but you stop taking for granted having grown up conversations with other adults once you have kids. Mark & Bob don't see enough of each other (I think), but that's boys for you. They've made up for some missed brotherly bonding, and me and Rach had some good girly chats - and not ALL about babies and pregnancy if you can believe it (ok, most of it was! But what can you expect of two new mums together, hee hee hee)


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