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New Year then....

So this is 2011...

A belated Happy New Year to you all

So far it's been busy :oD which is why it's taken until today to get on here and make a post!

Christmas was nice, aside from just about everyone being ill with some form of lergy or another. For us it was Tom's first christmas, and also the first time Jack really got the hang of what was going on. He has become fixated on Christmas trees and loved ours

Tom's quite a fan of tinsel too it would seem. We took a trip round B&Q and I found some being sold off and thought "Who can have too much tinsel?" ... Tom had staked a claim on his before it was even in the trolly! I'm pretty sure it's not considered a safe toy for a 6 month baby, but you try telling him that!

It's not just been a first christmas for us though. My brother in law and his missus have Ben's first christmas too (and my step bro and his wife with baby Rommy, but we didn't see them this year).

BUT it's not all just been babies babies babies... My sister in law Jenny and her feller Ash got engaged just before Christmas so we've had that to celebrate too

The kids have come on so much too in the last few weeks. Me and Mark think that spending so much time round other people - like 24 hours a day for 7 days + plus - instead of just a few hours every few days gives them a real boost.

Jack now will not shut up he's talking so much and so well. His potty training is really coming on with hardly any damp pants and (touch wood) no actual accidents since before Christmas! He can and does sit on a proper toilet - without training seat - if the need arises! He makes us laugh so much with some of the things he says "Oohh, poor Jack" when he's warned about being naughty, "No, I don't like it" with perfect pronunciation.... you'd have to hear him say it! His comedy timing is spectacular too.

Tom can now sit unaided and can roll over from his tummy to his back easily, and has even managed back to tummy a couple of times. He's trying to get things like his spoon into his mouth by himself and (judging by the sorry state of his nappy rash the last couple of days) may be popping a tooth in the not too distant future (Jack got nasty nappy rash when a tooth was due). He's turned his nose up at his extra thick bedtime forumla (the only forumla we've given him) but is still managed to get through the night most nights if I give a boob feed about 11pm.

Things are starting to calm down again now though. The tree and decs have come down and gone back in the boxes (yeah, we have a plasitc tree) and the house is looking bare, despite the 10 ton of new toys and books. Mark's back at work, and I have less than I month before I have to do the same (gutted). I'm looking into diets and workouts again because - frankly - I look like I'm about to have Tom all over again.


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