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Last year I said.....
On to New Years Resolutions.... anyone else got any this year?

Mine are to start cooking proper Sunday Dinners (now we have a good oven, there's no excuse!), and to get the hose decorated again. Our room, Jack's"big boy" room, the livingroom, and (if pushed) the stairs & landing too.

Mark suggested that he might quit smoking again. I'm hoping it's also to get a new job, as we're REALLY going to need the money very soon!

And this is how we did!

We live in a smoke free home! Well done Mark who quite back in October and has stayed off them even though he's gone back to work.

We have has a roast every week unless we were away or too ill to cook (which we agreed was acceptable)

The livingroom is almost decorated (celing to paint...), Jack's room is almost finished (vent cover to put up and drawers to mend), stairs & landing are half way done, our room never got touched. But as my beloved husband is a true procrastinator I don't think that's too bad (yes, the bits that are left over are the bits he was going to do, apart from our bedroom which we have just put off indefinatly)

Now for 2011

For me it's going to have to be the tradidtional "Weight Loss" becuase I am far too big. It's not healthy, it's not atractive, it needs to change. We do now have a Wii so I am getting on the Wii Fit Plus and the Wi iSport & Resort games to get some cals burned. I can even do that with Jack, and sometimes Tom too. I am signed up with Weight Watchers again too. Since I'm back to work in a few weeks and Tom is due his first tooth soon I'll be cutting bak on breastfeeding so there's no excuse to over indulge myself.

LEARN CROCHET! I have been collecting these damn magazines for months now, and it's about time I learned from them!

I think I'll be pushing that hubby of mine to finish off this DIY we started last year. He wont let me to the stairs and landing, or the celing of the front room, and I wouldn't know where to start with mending the big chest of drawers in Jacks room other wise I would have already done it myself.

Anyway... that's the kids waking up from their naps, so it's back into mummy mode. (Cuddles for the baby and Mario Kart Wii for the big'un!)


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