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Showing posts from February, 2011

The work bit

Well, it's been a week and no respone to my job application. So.... on Tue I'll give them a call and just make sure they got my email. I'm sure they did, it's just, you know, a nudge. I suppose I could do it Monday but I'll be at work... I'll see how busy it is. I might sneek a call in on monday from work. Had an odd few days. I feel a little strange. Probably coming down with something thanks to the less than sanitary conditions at work. As for work... I still don't know what is being "done" with me, but while I am without direction I am simply going ahead with my training stuff. I signed myself up for a meeting about my old site - one of the ones I would have been training at - and found out we're still having the same problems, and same conversations... and need the same paper work. Well, I made all that paperwork 2 years ago. Seems no one bothered to look the folder it had been saved in. Very cunningly disguised on the public drive under

I've done it... I've applied!

I've finally gone and applied for a new job. There's noting to say that I'll get the job, or even a reply to my application. But there's no harm in trying is there? You see, after my last post I was chatting with someone I work with about this job I'd seen on the Job Centre web site a few weeks ago. It's one I have mentioned to a few people actually. I looks like my dream job! No kidding.... Trainee web designer, exp in dreamweaver, photoshop & HTML were the only requirements! The thing is, they were looking for full time staff, and dream job or not my kids come first. I need to spend time with them, and besides they would have to pay me a fortune for me to be able to afford the childare to work full time and that's not going to happen for a trainee even if I did want full time work right now. But I'm getting away from the point. This job sounds ideal.They aren't asking for people with the skills I see as being beyond me right now - the thi

Back to work today and....

...isn't it all bloomin marvelous! And yes that is sarcasm. Arrived this morning to find all the doors open but no one downstairs. At all. So that's my whole department missing. I get upstairs and there are a few people knocking about, and even 3 that I know! And they tell me my whole dept is in a meeting, I think in Birmingham! Oh, and there's no water. Hasn't been any since Dec 22nd.... so we have to go to the grotty loo on the end of the block (a reasonable walk in the rain) with the key, loo roll and alco-rub. Buckets of water are stored back in our office for brews etc. A while later, while I am setting up my email and access with IT, the Boss arrives and admits that my Training Officer job (once again) does not exist. This happened last time I went off on Mat Leave... coaxed back with this training job only for it not to happen when I get back. I kind of expected that to be honest. But the next part.... he wants to change the hours and days we agreed. They h