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I've done it... I've applied!

I've finally gone and applied for a new job.

There's noting to say that I'll get the job, or even a reply to my application. But there's no harm in trying is there?

You see, after my last post I was chatting with someone I work with about this job I'd seen on the Job Centre web site a few weeks ago. It's one I have mentioned to a few people actually. I looks like my dream job! No kidding.... Trainee web designer, exp in dreamweaver, photoshop & HTML were the only requirements! The thing is, they were looking for full time staff, and dream job or not my kids come first. I need to spend time with them, and besides they would have to pay me a fortune for me to be able to afford the childare to work full time and that's not going to happen for a trainee even if I did want full time work right now.

But I'm getting away from the point. This job sounds ideal.They aren't asking for people with the skills I see as being beyond me right now - the things I haven't had the time to learn or keep up to date with. PHP and so on are things that are coming up as basic requirements all the time, and I simply don't have those skills. I could learn them, but I need to be taught. It's just the matter of hours that put me off going for the job then and there. But so many people have said to me "give it a go, ask for part time hours, you never know", and they're right! What's the worst that could happen? I don't get a reply! So what... I wont have lost anything. So I called.

The lass who answered didn't write me off right away, which was promising. She went off to ask the guy about part time applicants, and came back saying he'd asked for my CV and could I state on it "part time"

I have used someone from work a my ref, but not the big boss (who would only delegate such things away anyway) instead I have used my last manager Dave and my last head of dept Diane. Dave still works there and I have already given him the heads up and he agrees that if it's my dream job I shouldn't let it go without at least a try.

So it's done. CV, cover letter, portfolio... sent.

Only it's saturday and I wont hear anything back till Mon and the very very earliest.

I can't pretend that I'm not a little excited though! How perfect would it be? 2 wonderful kids, my hubby back in work, and me in my dream job. Life would be gooooood!

Come on 2011, you've been a crap year so far. Gimmi something great!


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