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Back to work today and....

...isn't it all bloomin marvelous!

And yes that is sarcasm.

Arrived this morning to find all the doors open but no one downstairs. At all. So that's my whole department missing. I get upstairs and there are a few people knocking about, and even 3 that I know! And they tell me my whole dept is in a meeting, I think in Birmingham! Oh, and there's no water. Hasn't been any since Dec 22nd.... so we have to go to the grotty loo on the end of the block (a reasonable walk in the rain) with the key, loo roll and alco-rub. Buckets of water are stored back in our office for brews etc.

A while later, while I am setting up my email and access with IT, the Boss arrives and admits that my Training Officer job (once again) does not exist. This happened last time I went off on Mat Leave... coaxed back with this training job only for it not to happen when I get back. I kind of expected that to be honest. But the next part.... he wants to change the hours and days we agreed. They haven't even settled on "what to do with" me

I did point out that I cannot just chop and change my hours. The hours agreed were agreed because I need to work around hubby's job and my child care. I can only work when we agreed. He's not convinced and I can tell he's going to try to change things. .

Hummmm.... not impressed. Is this why I wasn't contacted in the run up to my return, even though I emailed and reminded everyone that I was coming back and that they should be setting up a meeting with me to discuss what I'll be doing on my return???

Mark said to me this morning "You'll be fine tonight, when you've been back a day and everything is sorted" and I laughed, because I just KNEW it wouldn't be that simple.
I have a feeling it's going to be "Work the hours I want and have a reasonable position, or work the hours you want at the sites you hate" and I'm not putting myself through another nightmare like the last year I was working before mat leave. NO job is worth that.

So as for today I am floundering. No one has any work for me other than man the phones since Ops and HR aren't here. Almost every call has been "Where's my wage slip" and "my wage is wrong" and I really don't want to spend all my days dealing with that either. I have stuffed a few hundred envoples for Wages & Accounts, surfed the job sites, and made a few brews for people (with water out of a bucket). I'm back in on Friday and I don't even know if there will be any actual work or job title for me....

You'd think that I would love getting paid to do nothing, but it's dull! There aren't many people arround to chat with and those who are here are sooo busy and stressed I can't take up all their time. I would much rather be at home with my kids. Tom had a bad night, his teeth are giving him trouble. Jack's still having nightmares about "hammers" and woke up crying. I also need to express some milk and I have no where to go.

Can't help feeling that it's going to be time for a change if things don't look up pretty damn quickly.


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