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Away too long

It's a busy old life here again. Work is a nightmare so I'll keep that short and to the point: we have gone into administration for the second time in less than 2 years, the boss backed his car in to mine (his is a brand new jag.....) and they ARE sending me pack to the parks. So I'm leaving first chance I get. And that's all I have to say about it (or else I'll go in to full on rant mode and that's not why I've logged in tonight).

But it's life at home that's keeping me busy and keeping me sane. I love my kids! They make me so happy! Really they do. Jack's tantrums aside, and Tom's bursting in to tears when ever I leave the room.... well that's all par for the course. The good stuff far out weighs the bad. (I still want more kids, so it must be ok, right?)

Take today for instance. Mark should have been home today and would have taken Jack to Dads Club while I had some time with just Tom, but some cover work came up and - as always - we're glad of the cash. So I thought I'd take them out. We've been out a lot lately now the weather is starting to pick up. We've been round town, to parks, to play groups and so on. Today I thought we'd go to Williamsons Park. It has a fenced in play area and since it's not easy to chase a toddler while carrying a pretty heavy baby who isn't far off being a toddler himself that is becoming a major attraction in any park. Better to pen Jack in somewhere where he can run off some energy but be safe.

Jack wanted to take his car and his football, and I took a pic-nic and a blanket for Tom to play on if we found a dry spot (it rained last night). They had a great time. Jack charged about and climbed over stuff, played football with another boy, and drove his car about. Tom loved the swing, especially when Jack pushed him, and simply enjoyed the fresh air and new things to look at. He's itching to get mobile and start to play too. I think he only took his eyes off his big brother when he was having his lunch!

It was getting cold and damp though bythe time we'd eaten, and after a slight potty mishap (not Jack's fault. He told me he needed a poo while I had Tom sat on a pic-nic table and by the time I had the little one in a safe place, the big one was mucky)  I thought  it was a good time to head home for a nice warming bath! Tom's face was going pink and Jack was covered in mud from head to toe. The clouds had closed in and it was starting to spot with rain. All in all... time to go! Luckily the offer of a bubble bath was enough to coax Jack away from the park, especially when it was followed by doing some cooking with mummy once Tom was having a nap... That's a special "big boy" treat!

So, after a lovely long bubble bath, and while Tom was having his nap, me and Jack baked some buns - choc chip, yummy! And then we whipped up some pizza dough ready for tea. Then we took some time out to play on the Mr Men web site and on Jack's Facebook account (yes, he does have an account, and yes he does play the games himself!) before Tom woke up again and we played with toys together. And then Daddy arrived and brought some nice toppings home from work just as tea was ready to put together!

We had pizza (full of sneaky veg!) and chips for tea (apart from Tom who had a jar...) and then we all (even Tom) has a chocy chip bun! Kids went to bed happy and contented at 7pm.

I was actually quite sad when they'd gone to bed. I miss them. But not so much that I'll prod them and get them up again! It makes it much easier for them to have another fun day tomorrow if they sleep well tonight!

Hummm..... I wonder what we'll do tomorrow?? A trip to the local park in the morning? Playing Wii with Daddy while I cook the sunday roast? Maybe get the paints out of the weathers reallt bad....? I can't wait :oD


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