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Jack - 3 years old today. So grown up!

My first ickle teenty tiny baby is three years old today. 3... I can't believe it.

And doesn't he look so grown up too.

I think we've done right by him for his birthday. We had a bit of a party for him on sunday. Jen and Kathy came over with their kids, and the two lads from over the road came too. So our little livingroom was packed out!

Snacks and birthday cake, with DVDs to watch and football on the street. The seemed to have a good time. Poor Katie was poorly though with a bug she picked up off her daddy, she had to go home early, but she got a goodie bag to take away with her.

But today is his actual birthday do Mummy, Daddy, Birthday Boy Jack and Baby Brother Tom all went to South Lakes Wild Animal Park (Dalton Zoo) for the day.

We thought at first that all Jack was going to be impressed with was the ducks, geese and black swans that great you at the gates, knowing you'll have a bag on animal feed on you SOMEWHERE! But once we coaxed him away from them he got in to it. He loved the "naughty" giraffes that wouldn't go and play outside even when the keeper started to shoove them with the broom :oD Tom really liked them too and kept grinning at them. We came back for a second look!

Jack likes all the animals, even if the sleepy lions didn't impress him too much and the tiger cub scared him a liitle by growling at him. But the best ones where the jaguar that was pawing at the window to get out (just before big at feeding demonstration) just like Nana's cats do! And the Emus... The massive birds even give daddy the creeps and I have to admit that mummy is a little shy of them! But Jack wanted to feed them so one of us had to be brave. Me. And they are actually nice birds! They let me and Jack pet them and weren't too rough with his little hands.

The Lemurs went down well too. Jack kept saying hello to them. A couple let us touch them (which is naughty really) and one even JUMPED on me! Cheeky thing!

At the end we bought the kiddies a toy each from the gift shop. Tom likes a fluffy giraffe rattle, and Jack chose a "ducky" which is actually a black swan. The didn't have any emus, but he's loved feeding them too. Then we headed home (via Mc Donalds) with two very sleepy boys (3 if you count daddy who also nodded off in the car on the way home).

Jack says it was the best birthday ever.


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