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Bin Laden....


When I turned the news on yesterday morning I was still half asleep. I thought the headline was that Obama was dead, not Osama. It caught my interest anyway. I was a little less shocked when I worked out (a little more awake) who it was.

My first thoughts were a jumble of understanding for peoples jubilation, and concern for the likely repercusions. But the more I have seen on the story the more concerned I am. First off, all the people in the US that have been filmed celebrating and partying out side the White House... bad taste? I think so. For one, most of those people were young. Much youngr than me. College age? How many of those people were directly affected by, for example, 7/11 etc. I would undertsand a real rush of emotion from someone who lost a loved one (maybe not a party...). But lets not forget that throwing a party because someone is dead is more than a little morbid. I would imagine that the majority of those celebrating Americans would call themselves Christian? I can't see God smiling down on that scene... Esp when the Bible teaches to hate the sin, not the sinner.

Last night I popped the news on again for a little while before finally chilling out with a DVD, and saw the reports of exactly how the man was "taken out". And now I am worried.... I don't pretend to know the first thing about politics, international law etc etc etc. But when you hear things like "Pakistan didn't know about the Americans operation until it was all over", and that people involved could not state in any certainty that the woman used as a human shield and killed, one of his wives, had not "put her self between him and the guns". The pictures we have been shown show what looks like to me to be a bedroom. Was he hauled from his bed and shot? Unarmed? And then there is the "burial at sea"... It just raises too many questions.

Now, don't get me wrong. I am not a supporter of the man. I am assuming (though I accept that I could be totally wrong in this) that the majority of what we've heard in the press for the last decade plus is based in truth. And yes, I am aware that ALL news is proergandar. And that can spark debate in itself, but skirt round that for the moment. Lets assume for the sake of this point that he was a bad man, responsible for many murders of innocent people... The Americans have still gone about this all wrong!

  • Where is the trial? Even Sadam got a trial.... This could be / WILL be viewed as murder, not justice
  • Why dump the body in the sea? And don't give me any crap about it being respectful of Islam (bodies need to be buried within a short period of time I believe?) Conspiracy theoriests are already saying it's all faked.
  • What's all this DNA testing to prove who he is?? That's full of holes too!
  • Didn't they break the law or act in a way which could start (yet another) war by flying in to Pakistan - without permission or even notification - to perform this operation?
 It's leaving my head spinning. The news right now is playing down the chances of revenge attacks. I think to keep us calm as a nation rather than because it's what they actually believe. I also heard that we are in a state of "high alert". Hummm..... Which is it guys?

Gah! I can't be doing with all this politics, religious/economic wars, hatered, media bullshit!

My bottom line on this is: If he was as bad as everyone (media/politicians etc) say he was, why wasn't he taken into custody and put to trial like Sadam? These actions will come back on the US badly.


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