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Tom's Birthday - part 2

Tom's big family part at my mums house went really really well. I am SO happy! It could have gone horribly wrong as both my mother-in-law and my father-in-law and family were in attendance... and there are issues there. BUT everyone behaved them selves, and (since my mum has a lovely big house with plenty of room) the two factions stayed in different room out of each others way while the rest of us milled happily between the two.

It was all very diplomatic! :oD

Tom got some lovely presents, cars and book and toys. All the things he really enjoys. Not to mention the BIG bags of choccy buttons! My mum and John know how to look after people too, there was loads of yummy food and plenty of drinks and things.

Some of Johns family where there too; his aunt Joan, Joanne one of his daughters, her partner and their daughter Elissa.

We have lovely weather too (good job coz it's raining hard today) so the kiddies could play out side, mainly Jack, Meggie and Elissa. Tom and Ben are too little :oD

I am a little sad that some people couldn't make it. Rachel, Garry and the kids were on holiday, so were Antoni, Hadil and Rommy, and my dad & Fay couldn't make it either (actually, dad didn't want to come to a do at my mums.... very annoying!) and I am really cross with myself for not getting round to taking any photos, but other people did so I'll pinch those!

Next.... a trip to the zoo!


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