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What's going on with the world?

It seems that every where I turn people I know and love are suffering.

I'm trying to get back in touch with a friend I haven't seen in ages, which is daft coz we live in the same town. We lost touch a while back when she kept pulling out of meeting up. I thought maybe I'd pissed her off or something after the 3rd or 4th time and left it to her to get in touch with me. Only now I hear that she has bipolar. I've umed and ahed about picking up the phone and chickened out. But tonight I was talking to a mutual friend who says she really needs us. So I've texted her and asked to meet up on Tue. No answer yet, and I'm away for the rest of the week, so I've also texted another mutual friend and put her on the case too. Hopefully something will come of it.

But it's everywhere I go. Another friend is an out patient at the local mental health unit. 2 people I know have had late (20 week plus) miscarriages. Things are bad every where I look.  Even we are having problems in our relationship (nothing I do is right and everything starts a row) which feel so much worse than the normal spats couples have.

And don't get me started on the stuff thats on the news - wars, natural disasters, etc.

My Witness friends tell me it's the coming to an end of this System (where it is the devil in control of the world, not god). There's a part of me that thinks they might be on to something.

One thing is for sure.... nearly everything is shit.


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