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I can finally admit.....

...that we are expecting our 3rd baby!
The very same day that Tom became a toddler, I found out I wasn't going to be with out a 'baby's for long!
We were not actively trying for this one, but we're happy and looking forward to our new addition.
I can post it officially now because we told the family this weekend. I've told a few girl friends and its slowly starting to filter into public knowledge :)
I think I'm due around 15-16th April, midwife says my due date is 2-3 April, but that's because I'm counting from my late ovulation and she's counting from my last period. I have my dating scan on 22nd Sept so we'll see then. I'm thinking my due date will be what I think, but that I'll have baby closer to the midwifes date coz it'll come early.
Can't help wondering if I'll have a girl this time. I feel much sicker this time round... A girl would be nice, a boy would be easy... I've bought a gender predictor pee stick! Just for fun really and I can't use it for another couple of weeks or so. I'll find out what I'm having again, but (again) can't tell Hubby so will have to keep it quiet on here too. Maybe publish it white text one white background so if you WANT to know you can, and if not you don't have to see.
Jacks looking forward to another baby. Tom doesn't understand yet but loves babies so I am hopeful that a 3rd will fit in as well and as easily as Tom did. My boys love each other so much. Very little jealousy ever!
I'm in bed early again today, blogging off my phone, feeling sick n sleepy, so I think I will sign off and say more when I'm feeling better. Tri 1 sucks!


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