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12 weeks today - Parenting Rant!

I'm 12 weeks preggers today, one more week and I'll be into my 2nd Tri! It's going really fast, this pregnancy. Before I know it I'll be a mum of three.... eek!

My boys - as much as I love them - are driving me potty right now.

Jack WILL NOT sleep past 5.30am and CANNOT just get up and play quietly in his bedroom. Nooooo, he has to stomp up and down the landing, talking loudly, until EVERYONE is up.... it is not making for a happy home right now. And meal times, don't get me started on meal times. Never have I known a child take an hour and a half over half a bowl of cereal, 2 hours over sausage, mash n veg.... I want to give him a timer and once it goes off the food goes in the bin. No arguments, no fuss, no begging. If he wants his food he'll have to eat it while its there.

And Tom, well he's at the age now where he's more active, but hasn't figured out that we mean it when we say "No!" when he does something dangerous or simply unacceptable (like scribble on the walls, trash shared toys, or Jacks toys) and we're finding that frustrating. Plus Jack sees it as Tom "getting away" with stuff and acts up more.

I'm sure it only feels worse because I am tired, pregnant and hormonal, but what ever the reason IT DOES FEEL WORSE right now. And there's other stuff going on too. MIL is ill with a number of things - some pretty serious too - so hubby is upset and stressed, understandably. There's a shadow hanging over work too as the boss considers selling up.

All in all, things are hard at the moment.


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