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Jack the Thug

My sweet angelic first born baby boy..... is a thug  >_<

It's nursery induction week this week. 4 days of 1hr in nursery with parents to get used to everything before the kids are left there alone for the full sessions next week. A good idea. And Jack has been LOVING it!

Only, he doesn't want to come home after an hour. He wants to stay all day.

Monday: Home-time tantrum lasted all the way to the Spar. Mummy's bribe of sweeties and a fruitshoot failed.
Tuesday: Hometime-tantrum lasted all the way home! Daddys bride of McDonalds failed.
Wednesday: NO tantrum... but a sore head and bleeding lip after a scrap with his friend over a football. *sigh*

Who knows what tomorrow - the last induction day - will bring!

He is loving it though, and that's why he doesn't want to leave. More than anything he loves to play out side, being rough and running about with other boys. Boys his age and size that he can do these things with, not his baby brother who is too small, or his friends across from home who are bigger and rougher.

Today I was watching him and 3-4 other lads play with a football (the one that caused the fight) a kind of ball-tag where 1 kid had the ball, the others wanted it, so he had to run like hell to keep it before being rugby tackled to the ground, dog-piled, and the ball whisked away. I was soooo proud of Jack who was tackling like a pro (a cheating pro....)! While kid-with-ball ran anti-clockwise round the climbing frame, followed by kids 2, 3 & 4, Jack was coming clockwise, caught him round the chest n middle, drop him to the ground (without banging heads on the floor!) and was off with the ball before you could blink! I see a future England rugby star!!!

He got his sweets today. And his happy meal :o)


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