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Not the best park trip ever...

To stop the kids from going nuts stuck at home today (coz I have NO energy to play all day at the mo, poor lads) I thought it would be nice to take them to Happy Mount Park with a pic-nic. The thought being that since it wasn't chucking it down they could burn off some energy out side. It is a bit cool and overcast and the schools are back so it would be quiet (normally a handful of kids round the same age as mine) so they could play without me trailing around behind them but I could still see they were safe. The bit with the cars and stuff is enclosed and the guy you pay £1 per kid to get in stays by the gate so I can tend to one kid with out the other doing a runner. I figured I could have some quiet rest time myself in the fresh air and watch the boys play to their hearts content, and even have a ride on the train before we left. Sorted!

But nooooooo! With pic-nic packed and cash in hand, me and two very excited boys drove to Morecambe and walked up Happy Mount Park.... and the train & pay-to-play were closed! GUTTED! I'm guessing they are taking a break after the busy summer holidays. But my lads were heart broken.

So we turned round and went to Williamsons Park instead. But it wasn't as much fun. There were no other kids there for the first hour. We had our pic-nic and the kids played, but I couldn't relax the same because the gate was missing and one or the other wanted to escape. And because we had spent so much time driving and walking to get from place to place we didn't have much time before Tom got tired (and clumsy, 2 bad-ish ouchies in 5mins) so we had to come home.

Tom is in bed now, and Jack's building stuff out of lego, so at least they are calm for the moment. But I think it was all the walking rather than the playing thats taken it out of them.

Better look next time Boys. xx


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