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2nd Tri today

Wow this has come round fast! I can't believe I am a third of the way through already! I am not sorry to see the back of tri 1 though. It's been difficult and emotional. I have been more sick and more tired with Smudge than with both boys together. And I cannot get over just how many of the ladies I've meet in the forum this time have lost their babies. It's heartbreaking.
My last day in tri 1 was typically eventful:
I was at the RLI yesterday for my first consultants appointment. I'm still technically under Miss Cow-Bag because she runs the only GD clinic, but I have been assured that it is unlikely that we'll meet after last time and I'd mostly see her registrar. Good! She seems ok.
So... I have bypassed the GTT this time and have been asked to keep tabs on my BGL only 2-3 times a week. If they stay under control then fine, that's all I'll need to do. If they don't stay controlled then they will have to medicate me, intervene with my birth plan etc... So I need to be super good! After this weekend.... (it is his 40th!)
They needed to take more blood to test the amount of sugar attached to my blood cells on a normal day. I wasn't too happy as I had only just had a load taken by the midwife the day before - I still had the plaster on! But her tubes won't be tested for what GD clinic need to test for so I had to give more. Wrong the arm that does not like to give blood. The poor woman who was trying to get blood out of me.... Stones would have given easier! Took ages to get a vein that was even part way decent, I needed a strap on my arm to find that. Then before the tube was half full the flow of blood STOPPED! She tried everything to get it going again but I just started to feel sick. Just as I was contemplating asking her where I could throw up she gave in and took the needle out saying half a tube will have to do.
And then I fainted.
Once I had recovered and gone home I thought my problems for the day would be over, but no! Mark says his boss is coming over to our house to see him... And when he its to say that they had lost the contract for the site he works on. It ends on Oct 30th! Great. Marvelous. Just what we need!


Caiti said…
Congratulations on reaching the second trimester! So it's officially 13 weeks then? My baby books/pregnancy apps all say a different week! Which is quite confusing! But I'm right behind you! 13 weeks this Sunday.:)
MummaWalker said…
Yay Caiti!

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