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Contemplating Maternity Leave...

I know it's ages off yet, but its one of those things you cant help thinking about. For me, it's another countdown to enjoy!

I'm thinking.... due April 12th. Likely to be induced 3 days early so lets call it the 9th (a Monday, very obliging). This time round I have a cushy desk job which is physically as taxing as watching telly, less demanding than being at home, and with same-floor access to the loo (no stairs) so why not stay at work for as long as (sensibly) possible? Then I can spend as much of my 9 months off with my new baby and my boys as possible.

I could put my self down as starting Mat Leave on April 2nd, also a Monday, meaning that I'll finish on the Friday before. Jack came 9 days early and I'd only given myself 14 days before my due date with him so I know not to cut it tooooo fine. Tom was less eager and turned up on his induction date - without the induction - so he was still 3 days early, but I don't see the point in leaving work a month or more before my due date when I'll get no physical rest at home with my boisterous lads. Its not like last time when I was at the Parks with all the physical and emotion pressures involved . THEN anything was better than being at work, even 3 months with no pay!

There are other things to consider though, if my blood sugars are not great then there is the whole early intervention issue... but I'm hoping that wont be the case. And even if it is, I'll work up to the last minute which will still only be end of March, beginning of April anyway.

Mmm, yes. April 2nd. I like that idea. Easy one to remember too, loads of birthdays on that day and it's the original due date I got from my midwife!

Here's a ticker!!!
Daisypath Vacation tickers


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