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Horrible flipping cold

Urgh, we all got this nasty cold, apart from Tom who is thankfully snot free. It's a really nasty one too, snotty n stuffy, head aches, sore throat, cough, aching limbs.... It's almost like flu. And because I'm pregnant I can't do my normal dose-up n carry-on, and because the kids are home I can't go to bed and sleep it off. So I am sat here suffering, being no fun for the kids who still want to play, and not getting better any quicker.

And to add to it the weather is nasty too. It's cold, wet and windy. Not fit for the kids to play out in and they are going loopy stuck at home with just me and the telly for company.

Dragged the boys round town for a bit this morning but Jack was in paddy mode so that was no fun for anyone. And because it was so stressful I wound up forgetting to buy a birthday pres and card for the kiddy whose party Jack is going to on Friday. That means we need another shopping trip before Fri... Oh joy.

I really need to sleep. Not just early to bed and a lie in, I need to sleep for at least a day and a night but I can't :'(

I hate colds in pregnancy.


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