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Bad day :(

So the boss called me in to see him today.

We've lost the Parks which is a real kick. He's selling up remember and we're only worth the value of our contracts. The people who won the parks off us are asking for the tupe details of the staff, and he wants to include me in those staff. I have the best exp of the parks in the office and I still have a hand in the workings. But I don't want to go to a new cleaning firm as part of the parks bundle! I hate the parks! He thinks they'll make me redundant first chance they get too! To him this is a good thing for me coz I'm preg and will get a good settlement... I'd rather have a job thanks!

His alternative was I stay where I am, but also says I'll prob be made redundant when the new owners take over!

No mention of his new IT based co, the one I want to work for, doing something I enjoy, something I'm trained for... The one I have ALREADY been going work for! So do I take it that he doesn't want me in the new co? He's already made noises about not affording me while I'm on mat leave but I reminded him then that I've only ever had stat mat, no cost to him!

It feels like he's said he doesn't want me, the new owners won't want me, and even the other cleaning co who took the parks won't want me.



All I do is work my arse off, and while thanks and appreciation would be nice, I actually expect nothing more than some job security! And now I have a future of unemployment with 3 kids to raise and all the bills to pay. Marks wage won't cover half of it, I NEED to work!


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