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33wk Growth Scan

This is Smudge at 32+6, refusing to turn round and face the camera! Back of baby's head is on the right there, with the larger blob on the left being the body. To be fair, Smudge was fast asleep!

So I had a very very long afternoon at the GD clinic, which included a very nice young medical student trying (and failing) twice to take my blood before she went to get a doctor to do it instead - I look like a proper pin cushion!

And 3 sets of ideas about what to do with me. My notes said if I was ok with my blood sugars then I could be discharged from GD clinic, end of story. BUT then one of the registrars said - as my baby is still big - I should go for JUST the clinic and no scan in 4 weeks. Then I was seen by another doctor who simply could not get his head round the fact that I clearly do not have GD but still have big babies, so he's put me down to come back in 4 weeks for clinic AND a scan. Just in case.

So my next clinic is in 4 weeks. The day before my term day. And also it's Jack's 4th Birthday! No idea what they are going to do with me.... Are they going to induce? Are they leaving me alone? Do they even know themselves? Surely I cannot be such a medical mystery just because I have big babies. Its not like they are record breakers (I was a bigger baby than Jack or Tom).

Still... More scans! Whooo!


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