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37 week growth scan & GD clinic

Talk about a busy day yesterday! It was Jack's 4th Birthday so we were up nice and early so we could see him open his presents before he had to go to nursery and Mark had to go to work. AND it was Jack's birthday party at 4pm so I was a bit rushed at the hospital.
Mum came over to mind the boys so I could get up to the GD clinic in peace. I had a lucky run, finding a parking space quickly that was close to the doors (unheard of) and then being told the clinic was quiet and I was only 2nd on the list too! Fab! I had a lovely young lady to my scan, she was chatty and friendly and managed to find Smudges face on the scan! I said it was typical since this was the one time I hadn't brought any money for a photo... so she gave it to me for free!!!
It was a very short wait to see the GD clinic. They confirmed that Smudge was still measuring big (3423g so over 7lb 7oz already) so suggested I be booked in for an induction if I was ok with that. I said I was and they put me in the book for Mon 9th - until I pointed out that was the Easter Bank Holiday Monday.... so they said Tue 10th instead (they try not to do stuff like this on the bank holidays, reserving that time for natural births & emergencies). I tried to push for the Thu before Easter (so I could stay in over the weekend, hee hee) but I was laughed off. Damn...
So now I have something to work towards :D I still want to have an Easter Weekend baby, and I want to beat my induction date coz I still don't trust an induction not to result in a c-section. Today I am "term" so I think anything goes! Mwahaahaahaa!


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