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Tom's move into the Big Boy Room

Well... Since it was the 1st of March, and  only 6 weeks to Smudges' due date, and Mark was working late, I thought "Why not?"

I really need to get Tom out of the nursery before Smudge comes, even though Smudge wont be going in to the nursery right away I do need to break Tom's bond with the room so he doesn't think the baby has taken it off him. We did the same with Jack before Tom came along but he was easy to move.

You see (if you don't remember or didn't follow my blog 2 yrs ago >> post << the move was hardly mentioned let alone given its own posts) we made a big deal of Jack moving in to the "Big Boy Bedroom" on his 2nd Birthday. It was part of him becoming a "Big Boy". He saw us getting the room ready by decorating it and getting the bunk bed in etc and was thrilled to be moving in. Plus, he is a very independent little lad - a bit too keen to grow up.

Tom is a different story altogether. For one, he is nothing like as independent. He LIKES being the baby too. And he is that bit younger.... 21 months instead of 2yrs (3 months is a lot at this age). We cant make as much of a fuss about the room either, it certainly does not need redecorating just yet.

We've tried once before to move Tom but it didn't work out. Now it's getting a little more urgent as my due date draws closer. So, since Mark was going to be out for bedtime (working late because its been the stores re-opening week) and therefore unable to talk me out of it or get wound up himself, I thought I'd give it another go.

I took Tom up and gave him his usual bedtime routine, but instead of going in the nursery we went into the bedroom. He was telling me it was the wring room but I just told him that THIS was Tom's bed now (I'd been telling him that for a few days already, even though Tom just kept saying "noooo"). Usual cuddle, kiss, tuck in with fave toys, play a tune on the Gloworm, "night night, love you" and shut the door......

4 times he got up. Each time I picked him up and without a word or any eye contact, put him back to bed. He cried for 10 mins but didn't get up so I went down stairs. Then he was back up another 4 times. I did the same back-to-bed-no-fuss and he gave up.

He got up twice in the night but went down again with out any trouble.

Last night (2nd March) I put him down in the Big Boy room again. This time he only got up once, and I think that's only because Jack was distracting me by yelling up the stairs so I didn't follow the normal bedtime routine. Once I put him down properly he stayed down.

This time he got up twice in the night again, but went back to bed without any problem again, so I'm feeling hopeful that by the end of the 7 days (as I've been suggested these things take about a week) we should be sorted! Although that said I suspect Tom will be one of these kids who gets in to our bed - or tries to - most nights *sigh*


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