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Induction eve

I need somewhere to waffle for a bit. And this is it for tonight.
I'm being induced tomorrow. I thought I was going to beat the induction again but its not looking meant to be. Last night, just before 11pm I started with mild but regular contrations. They were just shy of 7 mins apart and lasting about 1min 20sec each. After an hour or so of this I called the mat ward n asked for advice since its my 3rd baby, 2nd was reasonably fast, and my mum (aka sitter for the boys) was an hour away. They said to get her over n come in.
Only an hour later when mum arrived ( now 1am ) the contractions were milder and less regular... So I called the hosp back and we agreed I'd be ok to stay put, get some rest etc, but once I got to 4-5 min apart with the contractions to come in. I hung about till 2am, took some paracetamol and went to bed.
Come this morning the contractions had all but stopped, and by lunchtime... Nothing. I've nearly even lost any plug. Very unhappy about it. Not to mention tired from being up half the night, and embarased by causing a fuss n dragging my mum over for nothing....
Had a quiet day. Went to Asda, napped most of the afternoon, and watched telly with mum for the evening. Kids are excited that Smudge will be born tomorrow. Mum is taking it in her store. Mark is 'apprehensive' about the whole labour & birth, and me... Well I'm wide awake through a combination of nerves and having had an afternoon nap. Hooray for the invention of the Smart Phone so I can blog from bed without disturbing anyone.
I know I need my sleep though, which isn't helping. Got a lot to do in not very much time come the morning. I want a bath, I need to wash n dry my hair which has gone greasy today. I still have a last few bits to put in the car - like the 'dad bag' and things to occupy us while we wait for the induction to take effect (a book each), our phones & chargers, money for parking, presents to Jack & Tom from Smudge etc. Need to make sure I have some breakfast too coz I won't feel like it if I'm nervous.
I've set me alarm for 6am though I doubt I'll need to, or that I'll actually get out of bed before boys come and jump all over us any time between then and 7am. Gives me little over an hour to wash, blow dry my hair, get dressed, eat, pack the car... Doable. I shouldn't have time to dwell or feel like the morning is dragging.
I just hope that baby is fit & well, comes easily, is with us before tea time, and that I get to have 1 good night of bonding before I come home. Everyone seems to think it'll be a relatively quick birth. I suspect it will be more painful than Tom since my body is holding on to this baby, but I can live with that. Just so lo g as it doesn't drag on and on or result in a c-section.
Ok. I've rambled enough. Gonna watch some telly and try to drift off that way. No way I can rely on my brain not to start working overtime if I leave it free of distraction. Night night all. Hopefully my next post will be of my new baby........


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