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The next project...

I always need something to focus my mind on. Baby George is here, and I need a new goal. My figure... My weight... My health... His milk...! Yes, its weight watchers time again!

I need to make sure I have a healthy diet to provide my littlest man with high quality mummy-milk, and as for myself, I need to slim back into my old stuff as soon as I safely can... And I would like to continue the weight loss I was doing so well with pre BFP.

My total loss target is 60-66 lb, 4 stone and a bit. I've signed back up to weight watchers online system and started counting my points already. Gutted that I have to point the orange juice I've been drinking all through my preg. I've used 6 points on it today without knowing!

Tomorrow I'll have a look round the WW site and see if there are any groups doing mini challenges I can join in with. Jenny is getting married on the 26th May and I would like to look less blobby by then. I know its only been a week, but I still look pregnant and I don't want that. I've bought an under-bust corset (trim my tum, keep boobs free for feeding) and right now it doesn't fit!!! I need to fix that!

Wish me luck!


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