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Georgie is growing up!

I had predicted 4 teeth by Christmas, and I was right. The 4th tooth cut over night, and seemed blissfully painless for him, no sore bum, no screaming, just a few extra cuddles in mummy & daddy's bed over night - I can cope with that and so can George.

What I didn't predict was that he would be pulling himself upright and standing up! All be it while holding on the the furniture (or in this case a large box of mega blocks), he's 8 months old and fabulous! He seems to be largely bypassing crawling, he gives it a go but he's not really that bothered if he can get to what or who he wants some other way. He's also managing to get from his tummy to sitting up, which he couldn't do a couple of weeks ages when the health visitor came to see him. All this happened TODAY!

Soooo grown up already, and his first Christmas just hours away too.

My boys are all getting an early gift tomorrow too - naughty on our part I know but there is method in the madness! Jack's getting his 3DS, and Tom his LeapPad 2, so that they have something new and exciting to do and aren't driving me batty tomorrow while I sort stuff out. Mark is at work until 2pm and I'll have to entertain them AND pack the car, sort the house, etc etc etc. if they are busy with new technology then I might get left to it for a while. Georgie is getting his Bumbo, so at least I can sit him still for a while if I need to! Like when I'm packing the car for instance!

Well.... Hubby is still doing some wrapping and I have some urgent laundry that needs attending to before lunchtime tomorrow, so I shall be off. I'll try to post a bit more often, and as much as I can over Christmas. I have my present to me already... A lovely iPad (which I am blogging from now) so I shouldn't have any excuses for not keeping this thing up to date in 2013!


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