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First day back at work

It wasn't as bad as it could have been. Work it self is fine.

I hated leaving the kids though. Esp little Georgie. I knew Jack & Tom would be fine, they are both used to mummy working, but it was all new for Georgie. I held off the tears though. It's a big help that we are all used to my going out in the morning to take Jack to school, so I avoided having a crying baby as mummy walked out of the house. I just didn't come back till gone 5pm!

I only called once to check if everything was ok. And it was.

Funniest thing about the day was the look on Georgies face when he first saw me with my make up on, hair done, and glasses on... Took him a while to be convinced that this woman was still his mummy. He was all wide eyes and intrigue. He gave me the same look when I got home, until I leaned over to give him a kiss and then he KNEW I was mummy and just had to be picked up for a snuggle and cuddle. I wasn't allowed to put him own again for an hour, and even when I did get to put him down with his toys he only played for a couple of minutes before grinning at me, crawling across the room as fast as we've ever seen him move, and pull himself up on my chair for another cuddle. Then he spent the last bit of his day trying to chew my face off in that way I try to convince myself is him kissing me.

So it wasn't too bad. And I don't have to do it again till Friday.


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