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The New Routine

It seems to be taking the family a while to settle in to my return to work.

The family. Not me.

Georgie is suddenly unsettled at bed time. He's crying every time he's put down in is bed, crying in the night, and will only be settled by me. Tom has started wanting more and more snuggles too, I think he got used to me being home again. And Jack is pushing and pushing his boundaries (although that's his age, not me being back at work).

But some else who "should" be ok but isn't is my dear dear hubby!

3 days I've been at work. 1 of those days my mum had the kids. So he's had the kids for two days, one Friday and one Monday. He has panicked, fretted, tantrumed, and not got a fraction of the daily housework done. The place is a bigger mess than usual and I think he's planning on selling the kids in to slavery - along with the cat - if they upset him any more. Safe to say he's not cut out to be a stay at home dad now we have 3 to worry about! He was late for the school run too, poor Jack.

It makes me laugh. It's the stuff that I've been doing all day every day for the last 9 months, and he can't cope with two days, two days there weren't even back to back!

But I wish Georgie wasn't so unsettled.


Making kids settle in bed itself a big challenge.. :-)


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