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Baby Georgie is 1 today!

Sorry for the unoriginal line, but seriously, where the hell has the last year gone? He can't be one already, he's not even walking yet! He still wants booby juice 2-3 times a day! He still cries when I leave the room! He's still my 'baby' not a one year old boy.... But he is. The ton of presents, helium balloon, Peppa pig cake, and the family party booked for Saturday kind of prove that.

I think I'm sad because I know I only get to do this one more time. Georgie is already on the verge of not being a baby anymore and I'm sad because its gone so fast. Next time I find my self in this position it'll be be the very last time.

Need to pull myself together! It's been a great day! Just me and the kids coz hubby is STILL tinkering with that bloody wall! (There are a few more bits of wood nailed in, but no plasterboard or anything. Good job I've taken tomorrow off!) So I took them down to Preston for the day. Deep Dale! Pound shop to spend their pocket money in, Toys R Us for a treat and for Georgie to spend his birthday money off Papee (my dad), lunch at McDonalds (again!!!!), and then a good couple of hours at the Wacky Warehouse coz it was too damp for a park.

They were all flat out in the back of the car driving home - unfortunately that means I can still hear them stomping about in their bedroom an hour after bedtime.

I've got some photos, some are already on FB, but when I get on the PC I'll post a proper link.

Love my littlest man. I know he won't remember his 1st birthday, but I think I've made I've made it a nice one for him.


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