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I think I am losing my marbles a little... I am so absent minded right now! Hubby is putting down to a double dose of hormones (with me having the last week on both Pill & Implant), and I'm hoping he's right because that should settle down soon. But I'm horrifically forgetful too at the moment. Last week I forgot to make a packed lunch for Jack to take to school and had to scrabble round for £2 to buy him a school dinner. Today I totally forgot to meet up with another mum on the school run - something I do EVERY Tuesday - and she came round for us when we didn't show only to be told we'd gone. It didn't even click when she arrived at school, I just called out a cheery "hello".... She must think I'm so rude or ignorant :(

And this isn't all. I'm also in a "can't be arsed" mood. I think a lot of that is because we are STILL waiting for hubby to finish the bathroom. I'm not being critical of him, I know he's doing his best, but a couple of hours a day after work is making for a long, slow job. Not being able to have a bath for this long is wearing me down. but more than that, having my kitchen, landing, bedroom and bathroom all be taken over by building supplies and tools is hard work. I have no clean tidy space to relax. I cant get round anywhere to clean properly, so I'm losing motivation to clean at all. Having no space indoors to hang my non-drier-safe laundry (what with the weather being so unpredictable) means that laundry is backing up too. I'm only washing stuff that I can shove in the drier and a handful of essential drip-dry stuff like school & work uniforms.

Money is tight right now too. The bathroom is costing us, we still have Tom's birthday to sort (just the party to pay for really, but it's still money), last payment for our summer holiday to go out next month, and now there's this HM R&C thing hanging over me too.

Not to mention that work stuff.

Maybe I'm a touch depressed as well as hormonal?  Urgh.......!

I'll try to be a bot more upbeat in my next post! Everyone needs to moan now and then though ;)


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