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Implant.... GONE!

I've had my implant out!!!! It's gone!!!! And it wasn't anything like as bad as I thought it was going to be. The lady who did it was very nice and let me waffle on as she removed it - my way of coping. She showed it to me afterwards! Eww! So now I have tapes over the wound to stay on for 5 days, and a bandage for 24hrs. If I loosen it, I'll bruise worse. (She had me repeat all that to make sure I'd listened and learned, lol)

So..... One step closer!

She actually squealed a little bit when she read my notes on why I was having it removed and read "planning for a baby" which makes me smile. She was less dazzled and more stunned when I said I already had 3 boys. She'd stopped at 3 saying a 2am nappy was the end point for her and babies :) I wonder if I'll ever feel like that? They say you know when you're "done" having babies. And I know I'm not. Not yet anyway. I just worry about how I'll cope knowing I can't have a 5th!

Currently the top of my arm is still blissfully numb. I hope it doesn't start to throb all hot and achy like when it went in, at stupid o'clock in the morning. And I really hope Georgie doesn't play with it while he's feeding, like he played with the implant through my skin... Oh that would be ouchie!

Pill only from here on in!  :woot:


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