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Stressful money & work stuff

Urgh... Less then happy day today. MH C&R think I owe them £1200 for self assessment penalties. But I can't get through on the phone! Nice manager lady said I could call from work (instead of run up a huge bill waiting at home while I have the kids screaming mummymummymummy coz I've dared to pick up the phone and look serious). Am sending them a letter instead and hope I get a reply soon. Otherwise I'll have to pitch up at the local office - in the town hall - with kids in tow. Pretty sure I don't owe anything......... but it's not impossible that I've fecked up somewhere. A little worried. I'd have to make MANY SMALL repayments and I just don't want it hanging over my head.

On top of that the Boss wanted to talk to me about those meetings from Friday. Did I think it was really as bad and the Ops Manager had said? Frankly, yes. So then he had a huge off loading session and I'm sat there - again - listening to it all. Mind you, I'm one of the longest serving (surviving) members of staff so I know a lot of what's happened to bring people to this point, and I've worked all departments. It's kind of nice that the MD feels like he can talk to me, a mere underling ;) but at the same time..... I just want to NOT be a part of other peoples stress at work!


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