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What a horrible day!

Had the fright of my life last night. Thought Georgie was chocking or suffocating.... He woke us up round 4ish with this horrible chocking noise, went into him thinking he'd been sick or something and he was gasping for breath and really struggling. We'd tried to check if he had something he shouldn't in his mouth but he wouldn't let us touch his mouth or neck. I was all set for rushing him to A&E (I'm not normally a panicky mum, with 3 boys I've have a nervous breakdown if I was) but once he was upright he started to settle. He had a short feed and seemed better, but when I tried to lie him down he started to struggle again. So I spent the rest of the night sat with him so he could be upright. I booked him into the docs on the only free emergency apt at 2.50pm.

Since he seemed ok enough I went to work. Didn't want to, but I'd agreed to be witness to two meetings. I was the only person willing and able to do it because they were potential disciplinary meetings for two guys who are well liked (my friends too). But I pride myself on being able to see both sides of a situation so when I was asked last week I said I would. No witness means no meetings, and they had to happen today. So I went and sat in, taking notes. It was horrible. People got angry, people got upset, everyone had valid points, but everyone had major faults and failures too. I came out trembling and it wasn't even my that wound up with a written warning.

They over ran too so I was 5 mins late setting off to fetch Georgie for his appointment. Then traffic was shocking too. 5mns till the apt and I hadn't even picked him up yet! Called the docs & begged them to hold on, I was bringing him. "We can only hold till 3pm" it was 3.02 when I bought my parking ticket, and then there was a queue at reception. I was too late to use the self check in. The receptionist didn't hold out much hope of my getting seen but let me up to the waiting room and said I'd have to wait till the end of my docs shift at 3.30. Luckily our doc is lovely and let us in - she knows me well enough that I don't book an apt without good reason. She checked him over and said "virus". It was the swelling that was closing his airways and making him choke! But he was already showing some improvement. She said she could sent him to hospital for a chest x-ray but it would be better not to expose him to that unless he had another 'turn'. If he has another then we've to take him straight to A&E.

Dropped him back home and shot back to work, feeling guilty for confusing my kids (all home from school now) who saw me for 5 seconds while I handed Georgie back to my mum and ran off calling "love you all!" over my shoulder. I had all those minutes to write up so I was working over for an hour to get them done. Only the Ops manger (who conducted the meetings) really needed to off load after the stress of it all. So I wrote up half of one then spent the rest of the time discussing the whole situation with him. (That's ok by the way since I was part of the meetings, used to cover his job, and prior to that had done the job of the guys that got the warnings).

When I got home the kids were climbing the walls, hubby hadn't had chance to start tea coz he was trying to calm them while caring for poorly baby, so I had that to deal with too (couscous salad, quick, easy, filling!) To say I was unhappy........

But then hubby brought baby over and they both hugged me, and he produced a slab of very yummy, very posh choc. By the time the kids were in bed he'd poured me a glass of wine too. It's the little things that lift your spirit on a ****ty day.


Sorry for the huge off-load. But I really needed to get that out. Thanks if you stuck it out and read it all


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