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Den Building

So after my massive rant yesterday things got better! Georgie had his jabs and handled it really well! I went to the tax office and spoke to the lovely Terry who has told me how to sort it all out - I should be able to write a load of the 'debt' off too! I booked my 2nd night at travelodge and hubby says he'll get on their case too. All awesome!

IMAG2698But the best part of the day was after school. Jack & Tom are friends with a pair of brothers the same age, and their parents are lovely people too. At school pick up time their daddy was picking them up and asked if we'd like to go to the orchard and build a den!

We JUMPED at the chance! Fairfield Orchard is one of our favourite places anyway, so off we all trekked.

The kids had a great running around the apple trees, playing with sticks, chasing butterflies, looking at the blossom. They bumped into another friend there too who joined in.

There was a bit of a to-do when my poor Tom fell over in the nettles, not once but twice! Worse nettle stings I have ever seen! But we rubbed him up with dock leaves and he was soon off playing again.

After the initial energy burn off the serious task of Den Building began! The boys were hunting out big sturdy sticks, and small logs, dragging them over to the den site where Hugh (the friends dad) was helping make sure it was steady and sturdy. I am amazed just how strong small boys can be! Thankfully Georgie opted to stay close to me, and discovered that mud might be fun to play in, but doesn't taste too good!

Jack made a new friend in a woodlouce (eeeek! My one phobia!) and I had to be all brave, take a video AND a photo of it without screaming or vomiting (the things you cope with for your kids).

Eventually the weather started to turn. It had been threatening storms with huge black clouds looming up and slowly covering the previously beautiful blue sky, and a few fat drops of rain were starting to fall. So the kids quickly covered their den with grass and leaves and had a play in it before we declared it time to go and avoid a soaking on the walk home.

Tom took his favourite stick with him. It was a good stick. It lives in the garden now.

There's talk of maybe going back again tomorrow if the weather is reasonable!


Den Building, a set on Flickr.


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